Thank-you for your interest and i hope that you would like to either contribute a blog post, ask me to review, a product or feature or a sponsored post on the Yorkshire Dad.
I am happy to get involved in any project that is of interest so please do get in touch if you feel that you have something to offer and or share - i look forward to hearing from you folks!
If you haven't already you can read all about the blog and my life on the following page here.
I am happy to get involved in any project that is of interest so please do get in touch if you feel that you have something to offer and or share - i look forward to hearing from you folks!
If you haven't already you can read all about the blog and my life on the following page here.
About the Blog has Alexa World Rank #1,899,278, has been receiving 579 Pageviews a day. Last traffic data update shows a 11.86% Positive Growth in visitor traffic, is most Popular in United Kingdom so 79.5% of it's Users are from United Kingdom.'s Servers Located in United Kingdom.Collaborative and Sponsored Post
If you would like to promote and publish your business through a feature, advertising or sponsored post on the Yorkshire Dad, you can and its easy. I am happy to sharing insightful, practical, and useful stories about parenting, fatherhood, finance, DIY and frugality from other bloggers, parents, companies, brands or seo firms. I have already worked with some of the biggest brands in the UK and should you want to get in touch you can do so via my email -
I apply tags on my blog posts to give visibility to those reading those posts that they are either posts written in collaboration with someone #CP or a sponsored post, written by someone else #SP.
I apply tags on my blog posts to give visibility to those reading those posts that they are either posts written in collaboration with someone #CP or a sponsored post, written by someone else #SP.
Product Reviews & Collaborations
The Yorkshire Dad is open reviewing products, services and family/adult days out. Should you have something you believe is relevant to my audience then please do get in touch and i would be more than happy to discuss a potential review with you.
- If you are posting on behalf of a company this may incur a fee
- You should have your own website where you make regular blog posts.
- Your post should be original content, not published elsewhere, even on your own blog.
- Keep your post to 500-1,200 words
- Include a short biography with a link to your blog or social networking site
- Check your post for spelling and grammar before submitting
- Include an image, if possible
- Promote your post by broadcasting it on your social networking sites
- Be willing to respond to comments on the day your post is published
Guest Posts - Write For Me - Contribute
If you have a blog or you would like to contribute, please look over these requirements and then send me your best idea or two.- If you are posting on behalf of a company this may incur a fee
- You should have your own website where you make regular blog posts.
- Your post should be original content, not published elsewhere, even on your own blog.
- Keep your post to 500-1,200 words
- Include a short biography with a link to your blog or social networking site
- Check your post for spelling and grammar before submitting
- Include an image, if possible
- Promote your post by broadcasting it on your social networking sites
- Be willing to respond to comments on the day your post is published
If you have any idea of how you would like to contribute please get in touch: