Working Remotely? Here’s How you Stay Positive and Productive #CP

If you are working remotely and want to stay as productive as possible without losing the connection to team members then this guide will help you to do just that.

Work on Self-Management

Employees who are new to the idea of remote working have to focus on personal efficiency or self-management. Furthermore, you and your leader have to align expectations. This creates trust, clarity and comfort. It’s recommended that you have weekly check-ins so you can connect with people as this will help you to connect with everyone in a remote setting.

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

Catch up with People

Place an emphasis on having a weekly catch-up with someone different in your team every week. This catch-up should not be work-related, nor should it relate to any projects. If possible, you need to try and make it different and a time for you to reconnect. Creating relationships is one of the easiest ways for you to generate an understanding of each other so you can move forward effectively.

Be Transparent

Be as transparent as you can. Two all-hands meetings should be held every week. These meetings don’t have to take long but they are the best way for you to build connections as well as familiarity. If other members of the team are worried about being disconnected then this is a fantastic way for you to do something about that, and it helps to bring the whole team closer together.

Stay Focused and Dressed for Work

Another thing you need to do is stay focused and dressed for work. Set up a quiet space that is free from any distractions. Stick with your schedule if you can as well, and don’t let the sight of piling laundry be a distraction to you. Get dressed for the day even if you know that you are not going on camera for any meetings. If you can do this then you are bound to get the result you are going for. If you are having a problem with distractions then one thing you can do is look into an office pod, so you can split your home life from your work priorities.


It’s so important that you communicate through various channels. When in doubt, over-communication is better than not talking at all. Take the initiative to ask questions and also make sure that you are sharing various work updates. Invite your colleagues around and clarify any confusion. The more you can find purpose in your work, and the more you can set a good example, the better.

Get to Know People

This may sound somewhat obvious, but you do need to make sure that you encourage employees and that you get to know people with informal video calls. If you don’t have anyone working beneath you, then focus on building relationships remotely. This is the best way for you to make sure that everyone is as connected as possible and it will work wonders for your morale when at work. It’ll also help a lot with your productivity too, so be mindful of that.

Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK

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