How to Renovate Your Home with Kids #CP

As stressful as it can seem, renovating your home is a very exciting experience. Whether you’ve lived there for years and you just want to have a bit of a facelift or you’ve bought a project that needs a lot of love, there may come a time when you need to get a renovation underway. Yet, when you have kids, you may find that you have to go about it in a different way. So in this blog post, we’re going to take a look at how that might play out and how you can manage it all.

Now or Wait?

So first of all, let’s think about when the right time to do it is. You may find that you think now is going to be the best time. When that’s the case, you are going to want to make the proper plans and prepare so that it doesn’t interrupt your life too much. This is what we’re going to run through next. Or, you can decide that you want to hold off until your kids are a little bit older and go from there.

Dealing With the Mess

So next up, we’re going to want to get thinking about how you navigate this right now with small children in your life. Because you won’t want it to be too messy that you can’t live in the place (more on that in the next point). So if this is the case, maybe you’ll do it room by room and shuffle yourselves around the house so that you can handle the small bursts of interruption.

Rent or Stay?

The other option, however, is to move out of your home while the renovation is being done. Of course, this will often depend on the budget that you have. But you may find that moving out for a few weeks or months while the bulk of the work is being done will be the best option for you.

DIY or Experts?

The next thing you’re going to want to decide on is whether you want to do the bulk of the work yourself or hire in experts. There can be pros and cons for both options so you’re going to want to work out what’s best for you. Yet, there will always be things that you’ll want to leave to the pros, such as getting scaffolding done, electrics, and even plumbing too. As you may make mistakes around the home or hurt yourself by doing them yourself.

Getting the Job Done

Ultimately, you’re always going to want to make sure that you can get the job done. You’ll find that it can be hard when you have kids around and other responsibilities, but by planning things out it should all feel a bit easier. This is why having experts in can help – as you can allow them to get to work and focus on what they need to do so that you can focus on every life.

Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK

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