Top 5 Pieces of Family Advice #CP

Running a home is no mean feat. Family life comes with so many trials and tribulations that they don’t give you an instruction book for. Although raising children and having a family comes with so many thrills and pleasures, I am under no illusion of the rollercoaster ride it truly is. This blog aims to offer the top 5 pieces of family life.

There isn’t a ‘family life manual’ - we are all really just winging it! Families take their form in so many ways that we can’t follow a one size fits all method when it comes to offering advice. With that being said, however, to achieve happiness, which is surely at the crux of every family unit, there are some top pieces of advice to keep in mind.

Work-Life Balance

As working parents, it is really difficult to juggle our roles as a parent and our roles in our jobs - but balance is key! Understanding when to switch off our ‘worker’ mode can have a huge positive impact on our families. Sure, this may not be as black and white for everybody, but designating time for your family, away from work responsibilities, is crucial for connecting with your partner and/or children.

This isn’t an argument for ditching responsibilities but instead for finding a format that fits you. Prioritising what is important at that particular time; your daughter’s dance class or that work call. Try and find a happy medium that means you flourish in your job as well as in your role as a parent.


Communicating with your family is absolutely essential for the smooth running of family life. Whether it be a positive or a tough time - share it with them. Children, especially at a young age can struggle to express their feelings. Creating a safe space for them, and for yourselves as parents, by communicating with each other is bound to be positive for everyone involved.

Some discussions however are tricky! Don’t be afraid of mediation! Family law solicitors work with families to help with communication in matters where it can be tough to talk to your partner or your kids about things. Lean on the help you can get.

You Time

So many parents fall short in this area. Before you are a parent, you are a human being. Devoting your lives to your kids is brilliant, however, with that being said, it’s important to make some time for you. Not looking after yourself, more often than not, leads to feelings of resentment and misery, which only makes for a negative family environment.

A happy person makes a happy parent, take some time to do things for yourself - it’s not selfish, it’s actually really important!

Couple Time

This leads us to our next point. Taking time for yourself is important, and so is making time for your partner. Often, couples transform from husband and wife to just, mum and dad. Having children is hard! Taking some time to strip back and enjoy each other’s company is essential for the smooth running of your relationship and in turn, the smooth running of the home.

Children learn about relationships from their parents first and foremost, whether they be in the same home, in a relationship or co-parenting. Understanding one another and taking time to communicate and make joint decisions will have a positive impact on everybody involved.


Don’t be scared of discipline. This doesn’t mean punishment and anger but instead setting boundaries and allowing your children to understand rules. Setting rules and boundaries in your home aren’t ‘being strict’ but instead educates children on authority as well as appropriate interactions.

Discipline is a way of teaching children right from wrong and can be really beneficial for their cognitive and mental development.


Although no two families are exactly the same, the goal is similar - happiness. By encouraging healthy habits in the home through communication, discipline and focusing on yourselves, everyone included in the family unit will reap tremendous benefits.

Having a family, more often than not, involves a great amount of trial and error, but taking these gems of family advice is likely to create a happy environment for your family and make it that little bit easier for you.

Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK

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