5 Important Things To Keep In Check With Your Car In 2023 #CP

Buying a car can be one of the biggest investments you'll ever make, so how do you ensure your car stays in its best condition? With the advancements in hybrid and electric cars and new technology hitting the market each year, it can feel overwhelming when trying to keep track of all the maintenance and repairs needed for your car. 


Car owners need to stay on top of their vehicle’s maintenance to ensure it will last for years. So, here are five important things to keep in check with your car in 2023. 

  • Regular Oil Changes 

It’s essential to get regular oil changes for your car, as this will help keep the engine running smoothly and efficiently. You should get an oil change every 5,000-7,000 miles, depending on the nature of your driving, the type of car you have, and the terrain you cover. 

  • Tyre Pressure 

Checking your tyre pressure is an important part of car maintenance, as it can help improve fuel efficiency and reduce the risk of a blowout. Make sure to check your tyre pressure at least once a month and adjust it accordingly by adding air if needed. 


Not only will this help to keep you safe on the road by reducing the risk of a tire malfunction, but it will also help to extend the life of your tyres. 

  • Battery Maintenance 

Your car’s battery is an essential component and needs to be checked regularly to ensure it’s in good condition. Make sure to check the terminals for corrosion, clean them if necessary, and test the battery with a voltmeter or multimeter to ensure it’s still functioning properly. 

  • Brake System 

Your car’s brake system is one of the most important components, and you should check it regularly to ensure it’s in good condition. Make sure to inspect your brakes for wear and tear, check the brake fluid levels, and have a professional mechanic inspect your brakes at least once a year. 


If you notice that your brakes seem squeaky, are pulling to one side, or are taking longer to stop than usual, it’s time to have them checked out, as these are all common signs that something is not quite right. 

  • Regular Check-Ups 

It’s important to get your car checked out by a professional mechanic at least once a year, usually as part of your annual service, or as part of the MOT at a reputable MOT test centre in Grays. This will help you identify any potential problems before they have a chance to become major, saving you time and money in the long run. During these check-ups, you should make sure to have all of your fluids topped up and any necessary repairs made. 


By following these five tips, you can ensure that your car will stay in its best condition for years to come. Taking the time to keep up with regular maintenance and repairs will help you save money in the long run and ensure that your car is always running smoothly. 


What Other Steps Can I Take To Keep My Car In Good Condition? 

It is also important to keep up with the latest technology in cars. Newer cars come with advanced safety features such as lane departure warnings, blind spot monitoring, and automatic emergency braking, and these are all features that can help you stay safe on the road and reduce the risk of an accident. 


It is also worth noting that newer cars may have better fuel efficiency and lower emissions than older models, so it’s worth considering upgrading if you’re looking to save money on fuel.  


It may seem excessive, but it is also important to keep up with regular car washes and waxes. These do more than merely keep your car looking pretty; a regular wash and wax will help protect the paint job from the elements and keep your car looking its best. 


Small details must also be kept on top of - make sure to check your windscreen wipers regularly and replace them if they are worn or cracked, and take time to check all of your lights regularly, as this can help you stay visible on the road and avoid any potential accidents. 


Final Thoughts 

Keeping your car in good condition is essential for safety and reliability. By following the five tips outlined above, you can help ensure your car will remain in an optimal condition for years to come. Regular maintenance and check-ups are key, as well as staying up to date with the latest technology and taking care of small details such as windscreen wipers and lights. 




Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/karl-young/

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