Tips in Becoming a Great Dad #CP

Whether you are a dad already or have a baby on the way, many of us wonder how we can be the best partner and father. We all have doubts and insecurities, but one of the secrets to being a good dad is to really care. Everyone marks mistakes, but if you are genuinely trying your best to help your child, understand them and support them in this life, you are already doing a great job. However, to be a great father here are a few things to remember:

Remember the Small Things Count 

It’s not all about the grand gesture and spending a lot of money on your kids, it’s about sitting down, being honest, and talking to them. Answering their questions when they interrupt you. Helping them do their homework and discover their talents. Playing silly games and laughing with them. Hugging them and letting them know that they are loved and cared for. Listening to their concerns without judgment. Advising them when and where they need it. It is about making happy, joyous moments every day.  

Make Plans at Weekends

It may be difficult to see them much during the week, but you can make plans to have family time at the weekends. This could simply be spending the day together playing games or you could go on a family activity adventure. Doing things together will help you see how your child is developing. You will better understand their strengths and weaknesses and think of ways to enhance their lives that highlight the good parts of their personalities. 

Look after Yourself

If you want to be there for your kids, it helps if you look after yourself too. Remember to exercise and eat healthily. This will give you more energy to play with your kids anyway. Also, remember you are allowed to have a little Dad time. Although your main focus should be on your children, you can get a few things for yourself, such as Men's Versace. This will help you avoid burnout and remind you that you are a person too. Your health and happiness counts too, and it is a good model to show your children. 

Work as a Team

You and your partner should always try and show a united front. Contradicting each other can be confusing to the children and gives subtle clues that they may be able to exploit when they are a little older. Your partner is the one helping you nurture the children. If you have concerns talk about it in private.

Bestow Good Financial Skills

In this day and age with the debt crisis, it is probably a good idea to start teaching our children about the value of money in a real-world scenario. You can not allow television or the internet to do the teaching for you. Teach about debt and how to manage money and hope to build good financial skills. If you can give them a good financial brain, this will be a vitally important skill as they get older. 


Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK

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