Career Changes That Help You Spend More Time With Your Family

Being a parent is wonderful, but can also bring a lot of guilt. One main source of guilt for many mums and dads is worrying about the amount of time they spend with their kids. Feeling like you don’t get enough quality time with your family can make it seem like you are missing out on their childhood. The need to work and earn money is the main obstacle to quality time spent together as a family. But, there is no way of avoiding the need for an income to support your family and keep a roof over everyone’s heads. While you can’t eliminate the need to earn money for your family, there are ways you can ensure you have an income and get to spend more time together. 

Work in Education

The education sector is known for its generous holiday allowance. If you have school-age kids, working in education could be the perfect way for you to enjoy the school holidays together every year. The good news is, you do not need to retrain as a teacher to work in this sector. You could take on an admin role, work in a school or college library, or become a teaching assistant; there are many options to consider in education.

Remote Work

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, many people got their first taste of working remotely, and for lots of people, it was an experience they enjoyed. If you have got the taste for working from home and want to make it your new normal, there are plenty of ways to make this happen. After seeing how well employees adapted to the new working arrangement, many employers previously sceptical about work from home arrangements are now far more amenable to the idea. If working from home is feasible for your job, you may want to discuss making this a formal agreement with your employer. There is no doubt working from home has challenges, but it also has many benefits. Cutting out your commute to work each day can free up many hours during your working week, which you can spend with the kids instead.

If your employer is not keen on a work from home arrangement, you could explore other options. From Forex Trading to working as a virtual assistant, there are many potential ways to make money from home.

Start a Business

Using your skills and experience to earn a living on your terms is an excellent way to spend more time with your family. Mums and dads are ideally suited to running their own companies. Being a parent means you have plenty of experience juggling many different tasks and plenty of organisational skills that you can put to use. Launching your own business venture will allow you to gain complete control over your working patterns. Thanks to the internet, you could launch many different types of business, from eCommerce stores to consultancy services. The possibilities are endless and offer a perfect way to spend more time with your kids.

Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK

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