Why You Need To Organise Your Office, Motivate Your Staff and Increase Productivity #CP

Have you ever heard anyone say: “no thanks, I don’t want to make more money”?  Neither have we although we should all be so lucky to be in that position one day.

But while the world continues to evolve and the landscape of business is seemingly ever-changing, there are a few basic principles that could use revision from time to time to keep your staff running on all cylinders (and feeling great about it besides).

image By ColiN00B


Not in the style of the Holywood movie mind you, but getting your teams together at work to get stuck into sorting out the filing room, the storage lockers and facilities, refreshing your reception area whatever scenario works best for you - do it.  Not only is it a great excuse to declutter, reorganise and refresh but you won’t believe what hidden gems can turn up when the offices are given the once over.  There is also some science behind it too.  Doing a quarterly purge around your office is also symbolic.  As the seasons change, so too should your working spaces be refreshed and prepared for upcoming campaigns and or seasonal work, this has an actual impact on the mental perception of the importance of change and re-energising at work and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the impact it will have on your productivity levels.  If your business has logistics departments or warehouses then you’ll need to ensure that keeping your warehouse clean makes it onto your reorganising list too.


Anyone who still thinks that just “paying a salary” is enough to get the best out of their people has been living under a rock.  If you’re a manager or business owner then be the guy that gets the most out of his people, not brings out the worst.  If you’re a smart leader you’ll know that getting your teams motivated is one thing, but keeping them motivated another.  So make them part of campaigns that your company is working on, invite input from staff that work in other departments or areas and encourage global participation in product or service development.  Any activity that can cause even the briefest of diversion from the daily grind has been shown to be very effective in doing this.  Why does it work?  No one wants to feel like they’re only the sum of one thing or just a number.  Involving your teams in some of the bigger decisions makes them feel like their workplace is an extension of who they are, not just somewhere to park the car during the day.


This may seem a bit strange as a stand-alone topic to unpack in the confines of this post but here’s “the thing”, we’ve all learned valuable lessons this past year and one of the biggest should be that sustainability involves more than just making smart environmentally friendly decisions.  It also means being able to operate a business that can weather the storm and survive periods of disruption, this is where you need to establish your businesses continuity planning if you have not already done so, because if you want to be the guy that was responsible for saving the jobs of your division or your business then increasing productivity which ultimately leads to a healthier bottom line is where you want to be.

Look, there’s nothing particularly ground-breaking about these principles.  Heaven knows they’ve been around long enough, but everyone could be reminded of them sometimes.  It’s worth asking yourself what kind of Britain do you want a hand in creating for your tiny humans?

Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/karl-young/

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