How to Keep a Busy Family Home Organised and Clean #cp

When you have a busy family life, trying to keep everything clean, organised, and tidy can feel like a bit of an impossible task. Add homeschooling and working into the mix on top of the pressures of everyday life, and you might be feeling like your home is less of a peaceful haven than a cacophony of mess.

If that sounds familiar, rest assured you’re not the only one. However, it isn’t as impossible as you might think to start to bring a little more order into things. Read on for some easy ways to get your home back in shape.

Focus on one room at a time

It can be overwhelming to try to organise the whole house in one go, especially when you are also trying to keep up with everything else, so simplify the process by looking at one room at a time. It’s good to start with the area that is used most. If your living room is where most of the action happens, think of ways to make maintaining it easier. For example, if you have a fireplace that requires daily or weekly cleaning, can you replace this with a better one? Choosing an easy to clean electric fireplace from can be a great way to keep the area cosy and warm and enjoy it with ease with little effort. Consider swapping out your current fireplace for one like this, and you can spend more time enjoying the glow of the fire. Plus, with the kids, this is also a sensible option. Once you’ve addressed one area, you can start to move on to the next without feeling overly pressured.

Create storage space

There can never be too much storage in a family home, especially when there are so many things to store away. Toys, books, magazines, electrical equipment… the list can go on indefinitely. Look for storage solutions that can multi-task, such as ottomans or coffee-tables that can also be used to put books away when they are not being read, or folded up blankets can be tucked out of sight when not needed. By looking for multi-purpose storage options, you can create a tidier space and enjoy more room.

Get everyone involved

Tidying up is usually everyone’s least favourite chore, but it’s a good idea to get the whole family involved. Not only does it reduce pressure on parents, but it can also help to teach children of all ages to understand responsibility, and the importance of taking part. You might want to start small by allocating a simple and doable task for each person and eventually can move on to a regular rota or timetable, where everyone can see their tasks clearly.

Don’t worry about perfection

While we might all dream of a home worthy of a glossy magazine photo-shoot, the reality will often be a little more chaotic. You don’t need to aspire for perfection though, after all, a home is to be lived in, and life can be messy at times. Allocate a certain amount of time to tidy and organise things, but don’t worry if you can’t get it all done. Instead, prioritise one or two key areas, such as bedrooms or working spaces, as this ensures that you have a calm place to study and rest at the day’s end.

Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK

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