
Five Activities For Dads Who Need Some 'Me-Time' #CP

While there’s always a lot written about and said for Stay-At-Home-Mums, there’s not much attention given to the needs of Stay-At-Home-Dads. Probably because it’s not the norm or the majority. Whatever the sex of the parent, a stay-at-home-parent needs time out from parenting and some me-time to be able to recharge and refuel, And also the occasional night-out or a weekend activity with friends to keep life from revolving just around the kids.

Here are 5 activities dads can pursue either alone or with friends - some will get their adrenaline pumping; others will help them relax and de-stress. Alone time or time with the ‘boys’ - take your pick, dads!


This one’s great for when you want to do something a bit more relaxing, yet sporty, on the weekend. A game of golf doesn’t require a lot of running around and working up a sweat; yet it’s a great way to unwind and catch up with friends.

Hunting And Shooting Ranges

This is not for everyone, but those who want a real adrenaline rush (or just want to let some real steam and stress out) can try their hand at a shooting range. You won’t get the variety of ranges and guns that you would in the U.S. but the UK does have its own brand of shooting ranges. If this is something you do regularly, then you might want to invest in some good quality airgun pellets.

Shooting your thing but don’t like to be confined to an indoor range? Or perhaps you like to venture out into the wild with the boys can opt for hunting. It could be a weekend plan too. Just make sure you know the rules on what’s allowed and what isn’t.


For dads that love the outdoors and need a real break from the hustle-and-bustle of life, routine and the city, hiking is a great activity. It’s more fun when done in a group (of course, IF everyone enjoys hiking in the first place), else this is something that you can do by yourself too. You’ll be amazed how refreshed and recharged you will feel on your return! Nature has that effect…

Indulge In A Hobby/ Learn Something New

Having a hobby is not only fun but a great way to de-stress and take your mind off the normal day-to-day routine. It’s also great for stay-at-home-dads to feel like they are doing something other than just parenting duties! It could be a sport or DIY projects around the house or even going to the gym… whatever it is, make sure you take time out to enjoy it often.

Learning a new skill can also help keep your mind active and refreshed, and give you something to look forward to when you aren’t being ‘daddy’. It could be a musical instrument, or art, or even wood-carving - let your creative juices flow!

Yoga/ Meditation

Take time out a few evenings a week to regain your thoughts - in complete silence - with no interruptions from the kids or worries about household duties. Meditate and practice some yoga - it will benefit both your mental and physical well-being and give you the energy to deal with yet another toddler tantrum!

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