Creating a Cosy Family Room A Guide | #cp

Creating a great family room is vital if you want to strengthen your bond with your children and ensure that your house becomes a communal and sociable space where your family can spend time together. However, creating a wonderful family room can be difficult alongside practicalities, such as cleanliness and durability. Then, here are some top tips on creating the perfect family room which both children and adults will love.

Install a Fireplace
IInvesting in Kalfires is one of the best options for family rooms as they are both easy to use and safe for children, with their gas fire appearance being combined with Natural Spark Generator technology to create the ambiance that you are looking for.
nstalling a fireplace is one of the best ways to encourage your children to gather within your family room, creating a centrepiece that is both attention-grabbing and communal. Fireplaces can add warmth and comfort to your family room and make them welcoming spaces on long winter nights, preventing them from becoming overly clinical.

Add Gadgets
No family room is complete without entertainment. While your children may once have been satisfied with tabletop football, you should consider adding tech gadgets into your family room in order to create an entertainment haven that your children will love. Games consoles, televisions, and laptops can all bring families together in order to play games and watch films, and this can make your family room an exciting space that your kids will never want to leave.

Hang Pictures
Your family room should appeal to everyone and act as a reminder of all the fun times that you have spent together. One of the best ways to do this is to personalise your space by hanging pictures of graduations, holidays, and special memories that you want to be reminded of on a regular basis. These can help you to create a custom space that is tailored to your family and ensure that it always feels homely.

Consider Storage
If you are used to bringing up kids, you will know how much storage is required to keep your home tidy, with gadgets, toys, and games taking up a lot of space. To ensure that your family room remains mess (and stress) free, you should consider installing ample storage units that can allow you to pack your entertainment away at the end of your play. These can include hanging baskets, under-the-sofa drawers, and repurposed shelving that can allow your family room to stay looking as good as new.

Create a Kids-Only Space
Family rooms should appeal to everyone, and so you should consider building zones that can help to separate both kids and adults. While you may want to create a relaxing space for the adults in your family to unwind, you should also think about building a kids-only space. Not only will this ensure that your kids are kept occupied for longer, but this also allows the mess and chaos of child-play to remain in one zone of your room.

Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK

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