Online bingo - a real online commuity

I just thought i would write a quick post on a topic i never thought i would find myself discussing ever. Bingo, the online game is regularly targets towards us both on and offline everyday, its hard to watch day time TV without seeing a bingo site offering the best offers and shouting about their community environment.

This week i thought i would give it a go, so i sign up to one of the leading bingo sites - they offered me a free £10 to join and i thought why the hell not. Lets see what all the fuss is about. I signed up and played a few games, small pots at first and then moved onto the bigger stake tables.

I did play with the manual checker on for a while but then i got into the chatting feature and got distracted. Bingo was a good way to kill half an hour and talk to some parents in a similar situation to me. I'm not really sure of the best sites to play on, but i would say to those who have some free time to give it a go. You will usually find sites like giving you free advice, the best offers and tips on where you can find the most suitable bingo sites for your preferences.

Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK

1 comment:

Notional Infosoft said...

Online bingo game is one of my favorites game.. Thank you for sharing information.

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