What Are The Most Googled Questions About Fatherhood?

The journey into fatherhood can be tough and for many of us search engines and social media often are the first places we look in search for answers to those tricky or embarrassing questions we are too afraid to ask our partner, family member or friend. 

I thought it might be wise to pass on some of that knowledge and experience i have gained from having two kids by answering some of the most commonly asked questions on Googled, but be giving honest and direct answers. I hope you both enjoy the read and find the comments useful on your journey in to fatherhood:

 1. How do I bond with my new baby? 

This is a most common question asked by many new fathers and not just mums. It is a difficult time for new dads, as mothers are obviously the prime caregiver. Find time to relax with your newborn, let them get used your heart beat and scent.

2. Why does my baby cry when I hold him? 

Many dads can feel insecure when their baby cries, a fact which is further heightened when they  settle for their mothers. New dads just need to learn  quickly that babies cry, and we don't always know the reason why. As they grow older you might start to hear a difference in their cry and understand their needs.

3. How do I stop feeling angry towards my toddler? 

The toddler years can be an incredibly difficult time, and a steep learning curve for all fathers. The first thing you need to remind yourself of is the fact that every day logic doesn't apply to Toddlers, they will be emotional at time, you just need to grit your teeth and ride that wave.

4. Is it ok for me to go out with the boys once a week? 

Many fathers feel guilty for leaving their partner at home with the baby. But dads need to know that it is ok for them to go out and take a break. Social interaction will give father's that much needed space away from the family and to spend time with friends that they probably have neglected since the kids came along.

5. Why won't my wife let me take care of the baby? 

This is a difficult question to answer - that of assuring the mother that the father can also take care of baby. You need t work to earn that trust and show your partner that you can keep your child happy and safe throughout the day.

6. How can I help with feeding? 

Many fathers want to help with feeding their baby, but are unsure of how to, especially when baby is breastfed. You can always ask for them to express the milk and even to take over getting them back to sleep after the feeds.

7. When can we have sex again? 

Many new fathers feel that they cannot broach this subject with their partner, due to nighttime feeding and lack of sleep. Sex is an important part of the relationship, it is all about time and healing, dads should feel confident enough to speak to their partner directly.

8. How can I help during the night time feed? 

Many fathers want to help their partner get more sleep, but are unsure of how to help them. Ask mum to express milk and then help get the baby done for the night after every feed.

9. How can I bond with my son when I'm not good at sports? 

This is a dilemma that many men face. The old stereotype that all men must be good at sports in order to be able to bond with their son. For the older kids a great place to start is by showing them all the old programs and music you used to watch. The chances are that are bound to love at least one of the things you show them.

10. Am I being too strict with my children? 

This is incredibly difficult, the balance between being a loving father, but also setting boundaries. Children will naturally test you on a daily basis, it is important to remember that as long as you are being reasonable and they can understand the reason why they are being told off then you should be on the right track.

Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/karl-young/

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