Netflix Hacks For Parents | Stream Team

Netflix is king in our home, whether we are laughing along to a family movie or getting tucking in to an episode of Dino Trux or Paw Patrol, a large amount of our screen-time is through Netflix.

Spending a good amount of time on the streaming service you pick-up a couple of tricks and tips. Hacks that can save any family time, effort and most importantly less tantrums!

Here are my Netflix Hacks:

Personalised Profile Pictures

You know that you can have up to five different profiles, so you can give your account to your friends and family members. You might not know that you can actually change the images that is featured on each of the profiles.

Disabling Autoplay

Before bed time do you hear those irritating words... one more episode? One way you can avoid your kids saying 'just one more episode' is by stopping Netflix's auto-play feature. How many time have you been busy and that extra 5 minutes turns in to 15 minutes as you haven't noticed that new episode starting, well no more my friends!

To disable Post-Play's autoplay feature on a Netflix profile, navigate to Your Account, click Playback Settings, then uncheck the option to Play next episode automatically.

You might remember that Netflix have developed a couple of 5 minutes episodes, i wrote about these episodes in a previous post here: Potty Training on Netflix

Computer Shortcuts

If you or a child are streaming on a computer at home or on the move these five keyboard shortcuts, which i found on will make your lives a little bit easier and less embarrassing:
  1. F will give you full screen; Esc will take you out of it - 
  2. PgDn pauses and PgUp will play 
  3. The spacebar will also pause and play -
  4. Shift + Right Arrow will fast-forward; Shift + Left Arrow will rewind
  5. M should toggle your mute button

Delete Viewing History

How many times have you promised your friend, family member or partner not to watch the next episode of your favorite Nextflix show. Well did you know that if you fail to fight temptation then you can actually delete your viewing history?

To delete the shows you have watched from your viewing history, just go to To remove each program simply click on the X in the right hand corner.

Video Quality & Saving Data

Whilst many of you will want to make sure you are viewing in HD as much as possible, some people have been reducing their settings to save Data. As you can see from the screenshot below the higher the quality the more data is required to stream your shows. Visit to see your options!

Should you be running low on data then consider dropping down your settings, you should easily be able to drop the quality to Medium or High and still be able to watch the shows you want on your phone without comprising too much visibility.

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Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK

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