What to expect when living with a toddler?

So you're wondering what to expect when living with a toddler. Unlike babies, toddlers look like actual small people that you made yourself with the help of another human being. They are funny, frustrating, adorably cute, annoying and embarrassing.

So what's it like?


Now that they have found their voice they are going to use it and use it and..oh you get the picture. Now your toddler can speak they are going to let everyone know about it. Some things they say will be funny, a lot of it will be embarrassing. Be prepared to apologise to random strangers who made need reassuring.

Crazy Days

Toddlers are like mini hurricanes that break everything in their path. They will find the damage funny. You will cry. You will still love them.


If they have food or drink before leaving the house they will use it to decorate themselves. They will become fussy. Very fussy. That is until they given the same thing at nursery when it will suddenly become delicious. Things that were tasty this morning will suddenly become disgusting later in the day. Your piece of toast will taste a lot better than their own even though it is exactly the same.


Noisy toys are fun. The more noise the toy makes the better. Screaming is also a lot of fun, especially if you are in the middle of a busy shop.


Must. Be. Jumped. In. The bigger the puddle the more fun especially if the puddle in question is muddy and you are stood next to them.


Your toddler will become obsessed with their favourite things. You will listen to the same song over and over again. They will demand their favourite food all the time. You will be sent on a mission to find their favourite toy that has gone missing.


Walls are a canvas for drawing on. Mud is fun to roll in. Food is for smearing over their face. The more mess they make the more they chuckle in their satanic little way.


You will find your toddler has tantrums for bizarre reasons that make no sense.

Karl Young

Part-time daddy and lifestyle blogger. Father of 2 boys under 2. Golfer, scare-fan, tea-lover, traveller, squash and poker player. I write on the @HuffPostUK http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/karl-young/

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